Organic Celery Seeds
Specifications (Tap to open):
Shelf Life:
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Our organic celery seeds are harvested from wild celery "Apium graveolens" also known as "smallage" which have a stronger flavor than common celery. Wild celery is typically only used as the source of seeds for celery seed spice. Although they are tiny, celery seeds are in fact the whole, dried fruit of the celery plant.
Celery seeds tastes a lot like celery, with the same aromatic and astringent quality in raw stalks of the celery plant. In addition, the seeds have a savory, earthy character as well as a bitter flavor. An excess amount of celery seed can, because of its astringency (think mustard or onion), impart a sensation similar to hotness.
If you're into making your own pickles, celery seed is your natural friend. It adds a distinctive heady flavor and aroma to salty, sour brines, and works best with cucumber pickles. For barbecue season, do keep celery seed in mind: it's a common addition to potato salad (again, it's the grassy compliment to pickles), barbecue sauce, and spice rubs for grilled or smoked meat.
General Storage Tips: